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Make 100$ per minute speaking to someone | free online money

Every day and every minute of the hour we're already speaking to someone in fact even right now. I'm speaking to you but do you know the crazy part you've never gotten paid for this. I'm gonna be showing you websites that will pay you minimally a 100$ for speaking. I'll be showing you the website that will pay you the highest and also share some tips and tricks on how to put out the best quality voice-overs just using your phone.

I'm going to be sharing with you different websites that will start paying you for voice acting. I mean so many of you have very good sounding voices but you actually never had anything from that. So why not put this to use, and then start getting paid and earn something in your bank account. 

The very first website it's called Various companies out there need someone to do voice acting for them. This could be for purposes of  audio book or maybe e-learning, this can also be for things like video games. They need someone to actually do a voice acting for them, that they use this in their products. All you have to do, go ahead we just down to this website and then you'll be able to start making money. These are some of the companies they work with this Shopify, Microsoft, the history channel, discovery channel, GoDaddy and Cisco. is huge at this they've been around forever and it's one that actually also use so, you should be able to register and then start making money as a voice actor. It's very simple to register all you have to do is come here where it says sign up and then sign up so that you'll be able to start making money. 

How much pay ?

Actually they will be able to pay you for example - if it's from 0 to 5 minutes that's  750 words they'll pay you between 100 $ to 249$. If it's 5 minutes to 15 minutes your rate is between 250 $ and then 499 $. It is as good that guys so all you have to do is register and then you're going to start making money with this website.

Another website that is You'll be able to head over to this website and then you just start to become one of their voice actors. Join as a voice actor then you'll be able to sign up enter all your details. You'll be able to start making money as a voice actor. It is as simple as that guys so all you have to do is go ahead register to this website and then you're going to start making money. 

voquent they're actually from the uk, so what you can do is head over to this website and then you'll be able to sign up and start making money. It is as simple as. All you have to do is go to and then you'll be able to sign up and start making money. They even have their phone number on their website they also have an email address so in case you want to reach them personally.

How much pay ?

It's the most paying one example - this e-learning content are basically an e-learning course is about 20 000 word's that's about for approximately 2 hours of finished audio. When you complete this averagely they pay between 0.15 to 0.3 pounds per word . You'll be able to earn between 2000 and 2870 pounds. It is as great as this guys we all know that right now e-learning is really really a very good opportunity because many people at home so most of the courses are online so this is an industry that is really popping right now. All you have to do is register.

Other category is audio books  typically it's about 80,000 words so this you get between 500 to 3000 pounds. Then the other one is tv commercials and online commercials so basically you selling there product and if your audio or if your voice acting is really good so many other companies will hire you to actually advertise for them. Then you're going to make this money. 

Other categories telephone interactive voice responses or IVRS. This will also earn you very good money because they pay 60 pounds per hour that's a minimum 120 pounds so this is really good money.  it's between 330 and 490 pounds it's really as good as.

Other one is video games and animations we all enjoy playing video games so for example if you're on a game like let's say FIFA you're always hearing someone actually commentating on that game show. It is that kind of watch if you feel that's an area you're really good at it's something that you can take on please go ahead i register into this website and you're going to start making this money.

Recording tips and tricks

Tip's and tricks that you can use to record professional audio quality using your phone.
  • All you have to do is maybe head over to your bedroom or to your closet where there are no echoes at all so in your closet, there are clothes that can actually help cancel out these echoes. You can record the audio from there and then you'll be able to put out very high quality for your content.
  • The other trick that you must do is install a free software it's called audacity that will help you edit your audio to have that professional feel on your audio. When you put this two into practice then I'm sure you're going to be hired on any of these websites and you'll be able to start making money.

Remember to register on all these websites for you to increase your chances of getting hired so it is as simple as that. If you have any questions please comment below. 


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